Thursday, September 23, 2010

14 Months Old!

Jayden is 14 months old today which is hard to believe! He sure has changed a lot since my last milestone update at 12 months!

1. Jayden weighs 22 lbs. and is around 30 inches long. He went to the doctor today for a possible ear infection. He didn't quite cooperate when they measured him. He ended up having one red ear. The doctor said it isn't an infection yet, but gave him antibiotics just in case. I was happy that he made this decision. The picture above is him in the car right before visiting the doctor. I guess this was our sign that his ear was hurting.

2. He is still wearing size 4 diapers and 12 to 18 month clothing. I have started to buy some clothes 18 to 24 months and he even has a pair of Halloween jammies size 2t. Size 5 diapers are around the corner!

3. Jayden loves to run and walk everywhere! He started walking officially on my birthday, but he really has taken off since then. He gets to where he needs to be and gets there fast!

4. Jayden loves every toy he has and he has a lot. He is in love with the purple horse again and in love with any new toys that come home such as his new Weeble Wobble toy from Marcy. He is especially in love with his blanket--which is not a toy!

5. Jayden is drinking step two formula, apple juice, and water. He isn't picky about his cups anymore which is a relief!

6. We recently gave Jayden hot dogs and McDonalds. He loves them both. He also likes to eat Cookie Crisp cereal as a snack.

7. 6 teeth and counting!

8. J loves to swing, ride his 4-wheeler and play chase. He also likes to throw toys away in the trash can and get into toilet water. We are working on changing the last two behaviors but he is a boy, so it is expected!

9. Sleeping is awesome. Jayden goes to bed around 7:30 and I wake him up at 6:35 each morning. He takes great naps during the day and still likes to take his first nap about 2 hrs after he first wakes up in the morning. He has had some bad dreams at night, but he grabs his blankie and back to sleep he goes.

10. Jayden's vocabulary has increased by leaps and bounds. He doesn't necessarily talk on command, but he babbles all the time. He loves to sing "Wheels on the Bus". We just love listening to what he has to say.

Happy 14th month birthday, Jayden!

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