Friday, October 29, 2010

Our Sick Little Boy

Poor little Jayden had to make another visit to the doctor's office today, but this time it wasn't for a well baby check. After spending last night awake from 11:30 pm to 2:00 am, two doses of Tylenol, and a lot of crying, Grandma Nieves took Jayden to the doctor this morning. Hoping for nothing, Dr. Murray found a very red right ear with fluid and a start of a red ear on the left side. Poor baby is on his second round of antibiotics in two months. I sure hope he isn't following in his Dad's footsteps with all of these ear infections. Poor guy just looked miserable today. I am hoping for a speedy recovery and hopefully not too much pain for him over the weekend. He sure threw our weekend plans for a whirl.

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