Wednesday, November 17, 2010


The old saying "boys are different than girls" is so true. I thought about that as I have been watching Jayden play this week with all of the different objects he can acquire around the house. It even brought me to reading on-line journals about the differences between boys and girls. Being around mostly girls my entire life, I didn't know how crazy, hyper---OK, active, boys could be until a toddler named Jayden came along. Well, I did notice it with Adan, but I just thought was how he was because that is just Adan. Wrong!!!!! Boys are simply different than girls in so many ways. They are non-stop. In one evening Jayden went from stacking blocks (6 high), to reading a book, to climbing as high as he possibly could on our furniture (I hope this doesn't mean climbing out of his crib soon), back to stacking blocks, ripping up paper, knocking over the garbage can, and back to reading a book. Needless to say, I am glad he is able to do all of these things and quite impressed at times, but I sure am missing the days of a little guy snuggling with his Momma in the evenings. So, tonight, with the house quiet because deer season is upon us, I took an extra hour just to rock baby Jayden to sleep and put him in his crib. He wasn't crazy, hyper, or active. He was back to being a little snugly baby instead of a big boy who goes to bed awake. So here is to more crazy days of chasing the little man around the house and hoping to get a few more nights of rocking him to sleep before he gets too big. There isn't anything much better than rocking a little baby to sleep at the end of a super long day.

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