Thursday, October 13, 2011

4 years ago....

It is hard to believe that four years ago we were walking down the aisle with our friends and family among us to hear us say "I DO". We dancing the night away after a great dinner, at a beautiful reception, planned to the very last detail.
 We have sure grown up in the last four years in many different ways. Our responsibilities have changed, our faced have aged, but we have remained best of friends working together to make this thing called life work out the best we can.

As one of my best friends said today, "Look at all that has happened since the "I DO". She is right, there has been a lot, but I wouldn't change any of it for the world.

5 houses in 4 years with 3 kids, ages 2 and under that make 1 big happy family that so many people would give anything to have. We are truly blessed and it all started with the words "I DO". I am looking forward to what the next year brings for the both of us. I couldn't think of a better person to share my sleepless nights, crying kids, house remodels, and all the other events that makes the world spin around with....I really am one lucky girl.

Happy Anniversary, Aaron! I love you!

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