Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Adalyn and Amelia are THREE Months Old

Sweet girl and sweet pea are three months old today! They celebrated by being awake this morning as I left for work!

Here are their three month stats:

1. Adalyn weighs 10 pounds and Amelia is slightly behind at 9 pounds. They are growing so fast!! I think Adalyn still has at least an inch on Amelia.
2. We are moving slowly from newborn clothes to 3 month outfits. The length of three month clothing is perfect, but the rest of it is too big!! Both girls are wearing size one diapers. We have two more boxes of 200 to go through and then it is on to size 2!
3. Both girls are "talking" a lot more and smiling too. They are the happiest in the morning! Adalyn is starting to make the moves to roll over, but Amelia just likes to squirm.
4. Their addiction is still their Wubbanubs. It is actually getting a little crazy. They fall asleep with them in their mouth at night and have days where they need them all day! Jayden never did this!!
5. They are still eating 3 to 4 ounces every 3 hours during the day. Sometimes Amelia struggles to take her bottle while Adalyn doesn't miss a drop! At night, they have made it from 10 to 4:30 without eating. I can count on them waking up between 2:30-4:30 for a feeding. I think if they would eat more during the day, they could go longer at night.
6. They are continuing to take both my milk and formula. I hope to continue this through the summer. We will see!
7. They are sleeping together in the pack and play upstairs. I think it is almost time to move them to a crib. We may be bringing one of their cribs upstairs. I just can't make the trip downstairs in the middle of the night!
8. Bedtime routine is awesome! I wish Jayden would have slept as good as these two. Around 7 each night, the girls get a warm bath and then take a bottle. We put them in bed awake around 8 and they fall asleep on their own with the help of their Wubbanubs. It is awesome! We try not to mess with this routine because it is too good to mess up!
9. The girls are awake a lot more during the day. We try to follow the eat, play, sleep cycle to keep them in a constant routine. They both enjoy swinging and playing on their play mat. They do not enjoy tummy time, but really need it! Jayden likes to tickle them in the morning, but still loves to knock over their bottles. I guess that is the boy in him!
10. I went back to work this month and it is going well. I do not have to venture out of the house with the babies so it makes it really easy. We've got great people caring for them each day, so we are very lucky in that aspect. The girls are really starting to look more alike as they grow. It is going to be so interesting to see what they look like when they are toddlers!

Happy 3 month baby girls. You've got a lot of people who love you...even your big brother!! We love you very much!!

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