Monday, July 16, 2012

Rollie Pollie

Sweet Adalyn decided that today would be the day to go from belly to back, back to belly, and belly to back. She was in her crib and just woke up from her nap. It was cute. She did it again later right before bath!

Sweet little Amelia was my clothes model today. I was pulling out all 3 month pajamas to let another twin mommy go through and 3 month pajamas fit her perfect. Too bad they are winter! Nothing like a 6 1/2 month old baby in 3 month clothes! I guess what is even more crazy is that the poor girl can still wear a preemie diaper. Is it tight? Of course, but it works! Would I trust it for more than an hour? No way! But we still have 3 left in the drawer!

Some day they will appreciate being small :)!

But possibly their love for sweet potatoes has a different plan for their growth!

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