Monday, December 3, 2012

11 Months Old

Sweet girl and sweet pea are exactly ONE month away from turning the big O-N-E!!! Gosh, this has been the fastest year ever!!
1. Adalyn is still the bigger of the two, weighing a pound more and 3/4" longer than Amelia. At their 9 month check, that was a month late, Adalyn weighed 15 lbs 12 oz and Amelia weighed in at 14 lbs 14 oz. They are growing!!! (But still in the 7 & 2 percentiles!)
2. They are wearing all different sizes now! 6-9 fits, 9 fits, and recently I have started to put them in 12 month pajamas because they bottoms of the feet are skid free. Nine months fits the best out of all of them, but 12 months will be coming soon!
3. Ohmygosh. They crawl everywhere. Fast. Very fast. They both have taken steps, but don't have the confidence to fully walk. It is coming and coming soon!
4. Jayden is still fascinating to them even though he isn't the nicest. Sometimes he is so sweet and tells them "Oh, sweetie. Do you need your mommy?" and other times he is down right mean! The girls also love their wubbies. We are back up to 5!
5. The girls are back to eating 6 oz., because they are in love with food! They love mac n' cheese, mashed potatoes, green beans, peas, toast, pancakes, cinnamon rolls, cereal, oatmeal and basically anything I give them.
6. Amelia officially had two teeth break through. You wouldn't know unless you pry her mouth open. They still have a ways to come. Adalyn is still a toothless wonder!
7.  Each time the girls hear the bath water run, they crawl as fast as they can to the tub. You have to watch them because they want to crawl right in! They love the bath!!
8. They are starting to babble more and more each day. Their favorite word has to be dada! When Jayden and I are spelling words, they like to shout with us. It is so funny!
9. Sleeping is back. Each night around 7:15 after they have drank a bottle, I kiss them and put them in bed. Every once in a while you will hear a screech or two from Amelia, but generally they are out within a few minutes. I am pretty lucky at nap time too. Their babysitters may give a different story. They wake up everyday at 5:40, get a bottle and go back to sleep until 7. It is nice to be able to get ready and  out the door in the morning without holding two babies practically the entire time!
10. This weekend the girls will be getting their 1 year pictures taken. I know a month early---but with the holiday, it is just too busy!
We love you sweet babies. This has been the fastest month ever!!!

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