Wednesday, April 3, 2013

15 Months Old

1. Adalyn and Amelia go for their 15 month check tomorrow! I am thinking Adalyn is around 19-20 pounds and Amelia hasn't quite hit 18 pounds. I am looking forward to seeing how long they are too!
2. They are wearing size 3 diaper (ready for size 4 soon!!), 12-18 month clothes and close to a size 4 shoe. Amelia is better with a 3 in some brands.
3. They are walking, climbing little monkeys. They climb, climb, climb and love to slide!
4. They love their family, that is for sure! They are taking a liking to some strangers too. When we get stopped at stores Adalyn gives her smile and sweet girl eyes. Amelia still gives curious looks.
5. Adalyn is an eater!! She LOVES food. Most any food that we give her she will eat. Amelia is picky. She only eats when she is hungry and eats like a bird.
6. Teeth! Ah. Both are cutting two top teeth. This has made them pretty grouchy!
7. Amelia is a swimmer. She LOVES the bath and generally stays in much longer than Adalyn. She plays with the letters and the toys. Adalyn likes to get in, play for a bit and get out. We usually talk to Amelia while she finished her bath.
8. They are starting to talk more. Amelia has more words than Adalyn. Both say momma, dada, Jayden, baba, baby, no, go. Amelia says Melia, shoes, papa.
9. The girls are still sleepers! I have to try to figure out how to get them to sleep later so we can enjoy our summer! They sleep 7:30-7:00. The same schedule Jayden had at this age!
10. Adalyn and Amelia you two are the cutest, sweetest little babies. We love you so, so much!!

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