Tuesday, March 23, 2010

8 months old

Jayden is 8 months old today. He spent the day with Nanny and Poppa today. He was a very good boy and took a 2 hour nap.
Here are his monthly updates:

1. He weighs 17 lbs 6 oz and I believe he is between 27.5-28" long. I will measure tomorrow. He now is sitting in a big boy car seat facing backwards. We still use his baby seat on occasion.
2. He is wearing between 9 months and 12 month clothing. The 12 month seems to fit better. We are no longer buying size 3 diapers and have moved on to size 4. He has to wear overnight diapers too. His new Nike's are fitting a lot better as well. They are a size 5 and he loves them!
3. He isn't crawling yet, but he is scooting, rolling, and getting to where he needs to go. Crawling will be anytime now.
4. He still drives in his little car and I would say it is his favorite toy. He can go anywhere he wants to go in the car and he is really fast now. He will chase you to the door if you come over to visit!
5. He is back to taking Avent bottles. They are so much easier to use than Playtex. I still send the Playtex bottles to the babysitters because if he is really grouchy, he won't use the Avent bottle. He is still nursing, but it is getting less as time progresses. I am more ready to give it up than he is. He loves his momma and daddy too!
6. He has had his variety of food this month. Baby mac n' cheese and squash are new favorites. He also like baby yogurt and mixed fruit rice cereal. I let him gum on a real cracker last week, but other than that no "real" food is in his future yet.
7. No teeth. They will come. We are not the least bit worried.
8. His hair is growing in thicker as well as his nails growing like crazy. He loves his bath time and has a new baby seat for the bath. It is perfect!
9. He is still sleeping in his own bed almost every night. Only when he is sick or has a really bad day of no eating does he get to snuggle in bed with us. This past weekend when we were in Mt. Carmel he had the luxury of sleeping in bed with me as I didn't want to wake anyone in the middle of the night with crying. He did start in the crib though! I am now waking him up to leave in the mornings rather than him waking on his own.
10. He has mastered waving bye-bye. That was the goal for the month! It is really cute. He loves to laugh, dance, spit, read, count, and play with his toys. Where is Jayden is a favorite game of his as well as listening to his CD in the car. He is 100% boy!!!
11. He can say "mama", "baba", and "ggggg". We will be working on "dada" this month.
12. Once again, we are so lucky and blessed to have Jayden in our lives. He lights up the room where ever he goes!

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