Friday, April 23, 2010

Jayden 9 months

Jayden is 9 months old today! Wow, time is going way too fast!!!

1. He weighs 19.5 lbs and is 27.5 inches long. He loves his big boy car seat and we will be able to turn it around in 3 months! Both height and weight are in the 25th percentile, which seems low for Jayden!

2. He is wearning 12 to 18 month clothing, depending on the brand. We have put away all of his clothes 9 months and smaller. He is officially wearing size 4 diapers during the day and at night too. He still doesn't mind wearing shoes and receives many compliments on them! He recently got a new pair of sandles to wear for this warm weather!

3. He is now crawling and gets exactly what he wants. He hasn't become a crazy man yet. He is crawling around his bed at night which has messed up his sleeping.

4. He still likes his walker a lot and looks like he is running when he is in it. He zooms everywhere he wants to go. He has forced it up on the carpet a few times too. He got a lot of new toys recently and loves to play. He will sit and play for a while before wanting to move on to the next toy. He loves to swing and watch the big kids play at the park too.

5. He loves bottles now. He still takes 4 oz during the day and takes 6 oz. before bed and nap time. He drinks from his sippy cup at lunch and dinner. He still nurses once or twice a day.

6. He loves most of the baby food he has been given. The most real food he has had was a cracker, but I am still not ready for him to have real food. He eats three times a day. Baby puffs are now in his diet along with a few nibbles from a teething buscuit every once in a while.

7. He doesn't have any teeth yet, but when you look at his gums they are swollen. I think they will be coming soon. He will probably just wake up with a few teeth one day.

8. He still loves bath time so nothing has changed about that.

9. He is sleeping in his own bed, all night, every night. It has been so nice!! I still wake him up in the morning when it is time to leave. He is so sweet at 6:40am. He stretches and then smiles. I love it! This week has been different because of the crawling and teething, but soon enough he will be back on schedule!

10. He waves bye-bye to almost everyone when they walk out a door. He loves listening to his CD in the car and will say "uggg" when he wants to hear it play.

11. He can say mama, gggg, baba, blah blah, and a lot of other baby babble. Dada is his biggest accomplishment this month.

We are looking forward to seeing what the little man is going to do next!

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