Thursday, August 26, 2010

A Bad Case of Red Patches

Poor little Jayden looked terrible this morning when he woke up. His body from the trunk up was covered in hives. I decided it would be best for me to stay home with him rather than send him to the babysitter because I was not sure if he would get better or continue to decline.
This is what worried me the most, his little face. He looked like he just finished a baby boxing match. We gave him his medicine and I called the doctor's office at 7:30 and made an appointment for the first open time.

However, by the time we made it to the doctor's office at 10:00 his face had cleared. Maybe if I would have not given him medicine and taken him in like this it would of worried them a bit. They said it is just running its course and he could be like this for the next four weeks. On the bright side, we have a referral to an allergist for next week and an epi pen to keep with us in case of an emergency. Hopefully, we can get some answers from our new doctors and here is to hoping tomorrow Jayden doesn't wake up with a blistered, red face. Poor little baby.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I have that same thing and I hope the doctor can find something for's shocking isn't it! I stepped out of the bathroom passed by a mirror and saw it...SCARY STUFF!!