Thursday, May 3, 2012

4 Months Old

Adalyn Suzanne and Amelia Marie are 4 months old today!! Four months ago today I think I may have been laying on the floor crying....or maybe at this point I decided to finish packing my bags for the hospital. Either way, I didn't think less than an hour after being admitted to the hospital we would be welcoming these two into the world.

1. On May 9, the girls go for their 4 month check. From my own weight check, I believe that Adalyn weighs 11 pounds and Amelia is 10 pounds. Adalyn is still a bit longer than little Amelia.
2. The babies are wearing size 3 months clothes and still in size one diapers. I am hoping we can move to the size 1-2 very soon!
3. This past month both girls learned to roll over and are becoming quite demanding! They do not care to ride in their car seats, just like Jayden did when he was this age!
4. They still love their Wubbanubs!!
5. Both girls take around 4 oz. at a feeding. The 10:00 p.m. feeding is more like 6 oz., which is helping them sleep better. We have successfully had two full nights of sleep this month, which has been amazing!
6. We switched to premixed formula and milk mixed together and kept in the fridge. The girls seem to do a lot better with this new method. Less air bubbles and Amelia eats a lot more!
7. I officially made Jayden's upstairs room into their room. I moved one of their cribs upstairs and made a make-shift room. There is still a lot to fix to make it cute, but it works for now!
8. Bedtime routine is still awesome! I wish Jayden would have slept as good as these two. Around 6:30 each night, the girls get a warm bath and then take a bottle if it is close to time to eat. We put them in bed awake around 7:15-7:30 and they fall asleep on their own with the help of their Wubbanubs. It is awesome! We try not to mess with this routine because it is too good to mess up!
9. The girls are awake a lot more during the day. We try to follow the eat, play, sleep cycle to keep them in a constant routine. They both enjoy swinging and playing on their play mat. They do not enjoy tummy time but I try each day. They also  like to sit in their "cars" and look around.
10. I can't believe that four months has passed so quickly. I am looking forward to my last few weeks of work and the summer ahead. I also can't wait for their doctor appointment next week! I am sad that I have to miss it!

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