Monday, September 3, 2012

8 Months OLD!!!!!!!!

Our sweet baby girls are 8 months old!! I cannot believe that 8 months has passed so quickly!

1. Miss Adalyn is growing like a weed and weighing between 15-16 pounds. Little Amelia is weighing 13.2 lbs. She had a weight check last week because she is sooo skinny!!
2. The girls are wearing size 6 month clothes, but can easily fit into a lot of their 3 month outfits. I am starting to get rid of all of their 3 month clothes, but some 3-6 month outfits are still too big. They are tiny for sure!
3. Everyone always asks how old the babies are when we are out and about. The latest was that someone guessed them to be three months old. When I told her they were going to be 8 months old in a few days, she felt a little bad.
4.The twins are doing "OK" with sleeping. Four out of seven nights Adalyn will sleep through the night. Amelia will sleep 1 out of 7 nights. I wake up and feed her because I want her to grow. I also think they are starting to get some teeth so this is waking them up.
5. Bottles are still between 4-6 oz. On a rare occasion Amelia will drink 6 oz., she is more of a 3-4 oz. girl. Adalyn is a 5 to 6 oz girl! They are eating oatmeal and a fruit for breakfast, a bottle for lunch, fruit and veggie for dinner and oatmeal for dinner.
6. Bedtime routine is still pretty good---just getting them to sleep through the night is a new goal.
7. Both girls seem to be getting ready for teeth, but no teeth yet! Jayden got his first tooth at 9 months, so I expect they will be in the same time frame.
8. What they are starting to do is crawl! They can get where they want to go by scooting! They get up on their hands and knees and lunge. They can also sit for a short period of time before falling over. They are getting closer!
9. We are working on sippy cups too! This isn't going so well. We will keep on trying. Maybe we need to try some puffs soon too!
10. Happy 8 month birthday, sweet girl and sweet pea! You looked so pretty at the wedding yesterday and every day! Looking forward to watching you grow this next month!

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