Sunday, March 3, 2013

Adalyn & Amelia 14 Months Old

So, my monthly posting took a vacation for month 12 and 13 because I didn't have an opportunity to get on the computer and write! Looking back, I think I skipped Jayden's 13 month stats too.
Happy 14th month birthday, sweet babies!!
1. Adalyn weighs around 18 pounds and Amelia is 17 pounds. We had their weight checked on Valentine's Day and 10 days after when we were at the doctor's office for ear infections. Cross your fingers for no more ear infections!! It is miserable for them and for anyone around!
2. Both girls are wearing size 3 diapers, 12 month clothes, size 4 shoes. They do have size 18 month spring jammies that are perfect.
3. These wild girls walk EVERYWHERE, climb on EVERYTHING. You just cannot stop them!
4. They love their brother, have taken an extra special liking to their daddy, love their mommy and recently cried when their babysitter left. Jayden is in charge of part of their bedtime routine by plugging their fan in and he tells them goodnight.
5.They are going great with whole milk and enjoy 8 oz. right when they wake up, midday and before bed. They love, love, love V8 juice and most of the food we give them.
6. Both girls still have two bottom teeth--the same ones.
7. Amelia love the bath more than any baby I know. Adalyn likes it but always has to be the first one out!
8. Words are coming along! They babble to each other, to us and to themselves. They like to wave bye, bye and blow kisses.
9. Sleep is great. They go to bed at 7 and wake up at 6:40-7:00 each morning. They take nice naps during the day and don't have many tears when it is nap time.
10. Happy 14 month birthday sweet babies. You are such a joy to our family. We love you!!

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