Tuesday, July 23, 2013


Happy Birthday, Jayden!!!

Dear Jayden--

Today you are FOUR years old! Only 365 more days until you are one full hand. But since that is so far away we will just talk about being FOUR! You were not too thrilled when I told you that you would be turning four soon, but after thinking about it for about a month, you decided that four isn't so bad. You also made up your mind about what you wanted for your birthday. The requests were simple: Toy Story cake, Toy Story candles, and Toy Story wrapping paper with presents. Perfect! We had your first birthday celebration over the weekend with Ellee and Emlyn. You got embarrassed when we sang "Happy Birthday" and hid your face, but you are a shy little man. Eventually we were able to sing to you and your blew out your candles like it was no problem! You scored a new Toy Story scooter (the top item on your list), Wii U, coloring books, pajamas, Monster toys, stickers and all kinds of things four year olds love. Next weekend we are going to celebrate with your Nana and Papa Acree!

This past year has been a busy one for you! You played basketball, soccer, and baseball!! I would say that baseball and basketball were your two favorites. A lot of people came to watch your games and thought you were hilarious! Great Grandma and Grandpa Acree, Nana, Poppy, Gma, Maddie, Mollie, Grandma, Poppa D, Reagan, Adan, and Livia all attended your basketball games this year. Poppy didn't miss one game! Grandma, Adan, Reagan, Aunt Lori and Uncle Mike came to watch soccer. Aunt Lori even took some video to show Nanny. Poppy, Gma, Maddie, Grandma, Poppa D and the kids made it to see you play baseball this year too! Daddy coached your soccer and baseball and Poppy even filled in as coach for baseball! You did such a good job at your baseball games. You were the best at sitting on the bench and waiting your turn while the other kids messed around. You hit a pitched ball to you at every game and only had to use the tee twice! That's awesome!!! You also went to your first Cubs game! I think we will stick to those two sports this year. Maybe you will be tall enough to make a basket on your own rather than have your coach hold you up for a shot! Speaking of growing, you are 39 inches tall and weigh 32 pounds.

You are starting to come around to the two little people living in your house as well. Last year you really didn't care for them and they were sort of cramping your style. Now you tell people to be quiet if you sisters are sleeping, turn their fan on each night, kiss them on the head before bed and try to carry them. You also knock them over, don't share your toys, and fight with them. I guess I better get used to that!

Throughout the year we traveled to a few different places and you win a gold star for being the best traveler out of the five of us. We visited Mt. Carmel, Myrtle Beach (you were afraid of the waves), St. Louis and Lake Barkley several times. You tubed behind Uncle John and Aunt Kim's boat for the first time ever this summer and you loved it! I hated to miss, but I saw the pictures! You have a love for water and the boat. You sit up front like you are in charge. It's great! You also love the water park and would be thrilled if you could go every single day.


Preschool was also a first for you this year and you loved it! Grandma took you and picked you up almost everyday! I was able to come visit a few times too. Miss Beth was so nice to you and said she saw a lot of improvement in your speaking and sentence structure as the year progressed. We are still working on getting you to slow down your speaking, but the improvement you have made is great. We know it will continue as you get older. Next year you are going to all day preschool at Blessed Sacrament. I am so excited for you to be at school all day, but also get a nap while you are there!

Your obsession with "hot milk" at home has not ceased. You drink cold milk everywhere except at home. Funny how you work little man. You don't need your blankies to sleep anymore or your Mickey pillow. You are growing up. You loved to read books before bed and your new favorite book was mine when I was little. The other night your prayed for Woody and Buzz. It was pretty cute.
We love you "to infinity and beyond" little man, "reach for the stars"!

Happy 4th Birthday, Jayden!!! Love you more than you will ever know. We all do!

PS: In world news, the royal baby was born on Ellee and Emlyn's birthday and today he made his first public appearance and was sent home. What a neat piece of history that happened on your birthday!!

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