Sunday, November 3, 2013

22 Months Old

Adalyn and Amelia are 2 short months from turning 2! I haven't had much time to "really" blog, but found a few spare moments tonight after everyone was asleep!

1. Both girls weigh around 20 pounds. Adalyn has a few pounds on her little sister and about an inch. Amelia makes up for it in everything else she does. 
2. They are wearing size 18 months but still fit into 12 months quite perfectly. They moved up to size 4 diapers, which a box of those go a lot quicker than the size 3!
3. Right now, the girls love to climb. Climb, climb, climb, climb. That is really what they love to do. They love the iPad and all the educational games. They cannot name shapes like Jayden could, but love to count. They also love to read.
4. They love their babies, bedtime, milk, big kid cups, shoes and unfortunately their wubbies.
5. They enjoy eating cereal with milk in the mornings and really do a good job sitting and eating. Ad loves to eat every single bite. Amelia is more dainty with her eating habits.
6. What they don't really love is milk in a cup. They sometimes ask for a bottle, but it isn't a habit.
7. They both still have a few more teeth that need to come through, but they almost have a mouth full!
8. The girls are starting to become pretty different when it comes to certain things. Adalyn doesn't mind to wear a coat and a hat outside when it is cold. Amelia hates it. Amelia doesn't want her hair messed with, while Adalyn will allow me to put a bow in her hair. They both do not care for diapers and would like to wear undies. That is our winter project!
9. The girls both climbed out and into their beds last month. We put the toddler rails on, but they wouldn't stay in their beds. We had to turn them around facing the wall. For some reason, they don't climb out now. Thank goodness! They sleep 7-7 every single day and enjoy one nap in the afternoons.
10. Both of them are really starting to talk and express their opinions to us and everyone else. A favorite is "no". Imagine that. They know their animals and the sounds, but looking back to Jayden's 22 month post we are behind on shapes, but ahead with the alphabet. Looks like shapes are on the list of things to do this month!

Happy 22nd month birthday, Adalyn and Amelia!!!

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