Friday, January 3, 2014

TWO for TWO~ Happy Birthday A & A

Happy 2nd Birthday, Adalyn & Amelia!!

Dear Adalyn & Amelia~

      Happy 2nd Birthday! This past year went so fast. It feels like just yesterday we were celebrating your Winter ONEderland birthday and now you are TWO!! We celebrated your birthday with family in Mt. Carmel a week early (good thing we did, a big snow storm is coming this weekend along with frigid temps). Today, you enjoyed pink cupcakes for breakfast, headed off to the doctor, spent time with Grandma and the kids playing, took a nap, went to dinner and played at Chuck E. Cheese. After we came home, opened presents and sang you "Happy Birthday". Your day was jammed packed and you both were such good little girls today!

Moving from age one to two is a pretty big deal. You both learned to walk, talk, and even climb out of your bed. You followed all of your milestones spot on and were full of energy. Both of you were healthy little girls with only being sick a few times! You adored your brother as you watched him be a crazy little man and you learned quickly to follow.

We traveled on your first long vacation after you turned one. We headed to the beach in South Carolina. It was pretty chilly there, but we had fun. We also spend a lot of time this summer at your Nana and Pappa's lake house. You both did very well on the boat wearing your life jackets and playing on the beach. You will be pros next summer for sure! We hit up the water park this summer too, next summer will be even better! Your skin is perfect for the sun and you both just look so pretty with your tanned skin. You are really going to appreciate this when you are older.
 The both of you have quite the vocabulary and are really speaking your minds (especially you Amelia). You speak in sentences from 2-4 words or more. You know ABC, Itsy Bitsy Spider, Happy Birthday, a lot of other songs and you like to count! You can name several body parts, recognize some numbers and letters. You both can be a bit bossy at times and often tell people how it is. The word "no" is a bit over used in your daily life, but the words "I wuv you" make up for it. Sometimes the two of you are the best of friends and other times, I have to stop your from pulling each others hair out!
 You don't mind heading to the babysitters during the week, but really would love if I could stay home with you all day, every day. You love your momma and daddy too. When we walk in the door from work, you yell our names and we have to pick you up or you freak out! Jayden is starting to love you so much and thinks you are so funny. He laughs at you both and it causes you to go wild, really wild.
The both of you have learned to climb out of your crib and are skilled masters. I see gymnastics in your future. You like to run out of your room at nap. This doesn't thrill me too much, but I think we have it all figured out. 

You both thought this birthday thing was the best deal ever. Every present was something you loved and were happy to unwrap more and more. Christmas was so much fun and you both were spoiled. I know this summer is going to be a lot of fun (and a lot of work)!

You both are small but mighty, girls. We wouldn't have you any other way. You sure keep us busy, but I am not sure what we would do without you.

Momma and Daddy

Official TWO year stats:

1. Weight: 21 pounds for both girls. Adalyn 33 inches Amelia 32.5. Both are in the 1% for weight. 20 and 30's for height.
2. Size 4 diapers and size 18 month clothing. We have bought some 24 months, but it is a bit too big. Size 5-6 for shoes.
3. Both of your love the iPad and the puzzles on there. Amelia you like to play with the new doll house and Adalyn like baby dolls.
4. Food: Adalyn you will eat anything and Amelia you are picky!
5. Both of you love to sit at your little table and eat cereal for breakfast and drink milk out of the straw. You both love drinking out of big kid cups with no lids and using straws. You loved this before your turned two. I think it is crazy that you think you are 3 or 4 years old and can walk around with a glass of juice. 
6. The both of you can talk, talk, talk. I can't even list the words you can say because it is way too many!
7.You were the best sleepers until the last month. Going to bed at night isn't too bad, but you gave up your 7 pm bed time which was a bummer! You now go to bed at 8 and sleep until 7:30. Naps....well that is another story. You just keep climbing out of your beds and open the door to see what is going on. I had to put a gate in front of your door. Sometimes you wake up in the bed, sometimes on the floor.
8. This sounds crazy, but I think you could be potty trained if I had two weeks to stay at home with you and no where to go. You use the potty before bath time quite often!
9. You like people unlike your brother. If someone is around you for a while, you like them. It is fun to watch you like other people. Jayden still doesn't.
10. Adalyn and Amelia you are quite the pair. We love you oh so much!

Happy 2nd Birthday!

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