Saturday, January 23, 2010

6 Months Old

Jayden is 6 months old today and time has passed way too quickly. It truly is amazing how much a baby changes in 6 months. After reading another person's blog about their child (thank you, Meredith), I decided I needed to write more about him at each month milestone so I can remember. So here they are...

1. When we weighed him on our baby scale at home, he weighed in at a whopping 16 lbs and 6 oz. He goes to the doctor on Feburary 15 (a day off school). I just couldn't stand to miss one of his doctor appointments. I will post his height when I have the chance to measure him.
2. He is wearing size 9 month jammies to bed. His feet are too big and he is too long to wear size 6 month jammies with feet. In clothes he is between a size 6 to 9 month. Diapers size 3.
3. We are still working on rolling over. He just has no desire to roll over. We will keep working though! He does try to scoot when he is on his belly if there is a toy that he wants to get.
4. He is getting so much better at sitting up. We practice everyday. He does better when he has a toy. He also likes to roam around the kitchen in his little car. It is so funny!
5. Bottles are still not his favorite, so he is now working on a sippy cup.
6. We have tried 5 different kinds of sippy cups, but I think we found one that works the best-Nuby. Next step, get him to drink from it rather than chew on the spout. He does love to eat by spoon 3 times a day. Mixed fruit cereal is his favorite.
7. No, he doesn't have teeth just yet. Aaron got teeth at 5 1/2 months and I got teeth 2 days after my 1st birthday, so who knows when he will get teeth!
8. His still has just a little hair, but it is getting darker and a little thicker. I like to style it when he takes a bath. Bath time is one of his favorite play times.
9. He slept all night for 4 nights in a row this past week. It was awesome. The last two nights he has been awake 4 times in the night. He has to be swaddled to sleep. I suppose it makes him feel safe.
10. He is such a happy and loving baby. He gets very happy when he sees me coming to the door to pick him up from the sitters. It is a sight to see. He also gets pretty happy when he sees a camera or someone smiling at him.

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