Thursday, January 7, 2010

Snow Day!!

Today we had a snow day at school. Although I would rather get out early, I was happy about the snow day. I did not want to drive with Jayden in the car. I am too much of a nervous nelly. Better to be safe than sorry!

Since it was a snow day and the snow was coming down, I just had to get a picture of Jayden in the snow. It took me a lot longer to get him all dressed up in warm clothes (his hands would not fit in the gloves) and get his chair on the front porch than the time we were outside. I promise I only had him out there one minute. Just enough to snap a few pictures--luckily they turned out pretty good.

He liked the snow falling on him and was pretty happy to get a breath of fresh air! As for the rest of the snow day--we will be taking naps and just hanging out!

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