Tuesday, November 23, 2010

16 months old!

Jayden is 16 months old today. The month of November has passed so fast filled with different activities that I almost missed the date!

1. Jayden weighs 23 lbs. and is It seems like he has grown a lot lately because he gets into everything that I thought was high enough for him not to reach.

2. He is wearing size 4 diapers and on occasion size 5. His clothing still ranges from 18-24 months. He has a few 2t shirts in his collection as well.

3. Jayden's favorite activity this month has to be climbing. He climbs everywhere and on everything. Good thing Grandma ordered him a big climbing station for Christmas. This will be an indoor toy!

4. He now has a lot of favorite toys rather than just a ball. He loves books, blocks, trucks, his 4-wheeler, farm, and of course Mickey Mouse. He loves opening and closing the dishwasher, pushing the button on the wash machine, figuring out ANY way to climb the stairs, crawl on the tables, stack blocks by color--(which he just did-all yellow and 6 high!)

5. Step 2 formula, 2% milk on occasion, water, apple juice along with almost any time of food is what the little man eats each day.

6. He loves pasta pick-ups and apples. He recently pulled out a package of vanilla Oreo's and snacked on those. Yum!

7. Jayden officially has 7 teeth. The 1 year molars by far have been the worse. I blame his two ear infections on this giant molar.

8. Jayden loves, loves, loves, to play outside and inside. He loves to open the back door and run outside. This has caused the doors to be locked because he can disappear in an instant! I am not excited about snow coming this winter, but it is going to be interesting to see what he does. He also loves to chase Mia around the yard and pinch her.

9. He is back to sleeping all night---thank goodness! The giant tooth caused more than just an ear infection--it caused sleeping to be difficult. This past weekend he slept for 12 hours each night. Oh, how I loved that!! He naps 1 to 2 times a day, which will soon be cut down to 1 nap. The time change also threw us for a loop, but who doesn't get messed up by that?

10. Jayden is just a funny little guy to watch. At this moment, he is dancing, spinning, and yelling to the "Itsy Bitsy Spider". He walks backwards on occasion and that is funny too. His vocabulary is increasing by leaps and bounds. He only talks when he wants to. My favorite sayings of the month include: "I'm a boy", "They say no", "Race Car", "I'm one", "Momma", and "Dadda".

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