Sunday, November 7, 2010

Love these Boys!

Layne is getting sooo big! He was crawling around chasing Henry and Jayden. He will be walking before we know it!
Henry loved all of Jayden's toys. He was pretty happy to ride on the airplane.

All of them loved to sit in Jayden's chair, but Jayden wasn't too frank on sharing. That is something we are going to have to work on!

How could you not love these boys? They are so cute and so funny. I love seeing them all together playing. On Friday night they came over for a little play time and more importantly, so all the Mom's and Dad's could enjoy some adult time without chasing babies around a restaurant as we did a few weekends ago. I tried to get a few pictures of them together but it was nearly impossible. You take what you can get.


The Haugens said...

I love seeing pics of all the boys together! We need to have pizza nights more often.

The Giger's said...

What size chair is that from Pottery Barn? I think Santa might get one for Henry since he loved it so much. :)

Jodi said...

We do. The chair is just the regular sized one, not the baby chair. It is a must have from Santa!