Thursday, June 23, 2011

23 Months Old

He is getting so close to TWO!!

1. Jayden still is a skinny little man, but according to my scale he is up to 25 lbs. He is getting a bit heavier to tote around the house and everywhere else we go.
2. Still wearing diapers, but is beginning to wake up dry or semi-dry in the mornings. I think potty training will be started in about 6 more months. He is wearing size 18-24 month clothes, with some clothes being a size 2T.
3. Jayden LOVES slides, basketball, and now he is obsessed with golf. If he sees kids playing basketball he is instantly attracted to them. We had to avoid the basketball courts and slides while at the camp ground in Indiana because he wanted to play SO bad. If he didn't get to, he would cry.
4.This month I have been able to see more of Jayden than ever since I am home for the summer. He just loves all of his toys! He will play with his kitchen, play with blocks, work on the ipad, shoot some hoops, play with shapes, and go down the slide. He is 100% kid and 100% boy which is perfect for me.
5. Being home with him all day also allows me to be in more control of what he eats and when he eats. He is a good breakfast eater. He always has a glass of milk with something. For lunch, he stuffs himself. Fish sticks, chicken, pizza, mac n' cheese, cheeseburger or anything else in his path, he eats. We are still working on his eating habits at dinner, but if he is hungry he will eat. Recently, he ate fish for dinner that his Daddy and PawPaw caught in the backyard. He loves fish sticks so it didn't surprise me too much that he enjoyed real fish.
6. Favorite drinks: milk and juice. He is NOT a fan of water anymore. We will work on that.
7. He almost has all of his teeth. I suppose the next adventure will be 2 year molars.
8. He LOVES his Crocs. The child wears them as much as possible. He likes to wear them to fall asleep in too. He says "shoes on" when we take them off. I would say he is a bit obsessed. It is very nice for him to be able to get them on all by himself, but I am not sure what we will do if we lose them!
9. Jayden is sleeping into 8 most mornings which is great for me. I love that we are not awake at 5 am or even 7 am. He loves to take a nap from about 12:00-3:00 each day, which is perfect.
10. Jayden is a funny little guy and overall is pretty happy. He is 100% boy, but loves to cuddle with his Momma and his blankies. He is getting smarter everyday and is starting to become his own person with his own routines and desires. He loves Mickey and recognizes every character from the show. It is funny to hear him say their names. Now if we could only teach him names of EVERYONE in our families. I know, that would take forever. He loves his numbers and shapes. Letters, not so much, unless it involves J-A-Y-D-E-N. I have decided that he will find a career in the math and science field for sure.

Happy 23 Month Birthday, Jayden!!! Only one more month until we celebrate your 2nd Birthday!! It has been a fun month filled with walks at the park, playing on the swings, swimming, watching Mickey, playing games, eating breakfast and lunch, sleeping in, going on adventures, working on the houses (he is a good helper), and snuggling with you whenever I want!!

We love you very much and so do a bunch of other people too! You are one LUCKY boy!!!

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