Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Summer Vacation is Here!!

Today was my last day of work until August. It was a bitter sweet day as I left the only place I have ever worked, with the only people I have ever taught with in my career. I am really going to miss all of my friends at GIS, but I am looking forward to teaching a new grade and being in the elementary setting rather than the intermediate setting.

I am super excited about this summer. I have a lot to accomplish and a lot of play dates at the park with a cute little guy. This is my first summer without taking more than one class or working. I will just have the role of Mommy and a breeze of a class to take on-line.

I do have some goals for the summer:

1. Clean out some of this stuff we have had FOREVER!!
2. Try to teach Jayden his ABC's
3. Cook more meals.
4. Pull some weeds outside--yuck. I wish I could hire sometime to do that.
5. Throw away junk that I have had for years that I can't seem to part with.
6. Go to the water park at least once every other week.
7. Walk in the park with friends and little friends.
8. Go on a vacation.
9. Get rid of some clothes.
10. Clean out some of this stuff we have had FOREVER!!

Looks like I will be spending my summer with Jayden and while he sleeps, I will be cleaning!! Happy Summer Vacation Teacher Friends!!!

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