Sunday, February 19, 2012

A & A's First Trip to Mt. Carmel

We packed our bags and headed down to Mt. Carmel this past weekend for Adalyn & Amelia's first big trip! They did a great job on the way there and the way home. Much better than Jayden did on his first big trip. While we were there, the girls enjoyed some tummy time on a girly play mat. They are used to the boy one we have at home.

They had a lot of visitors and met some family for the first time. Great Grandma and Grandpa Willis made a trip over for a visit and to meet the girls.

They even were babysat by their PawPaw and Nana. However, I think he *might* have fallen asleep when trying to put one of the girls to sleep. Sounds like someone else I know :)

 Uncle John, Aunt Kim, Evan and Elliott also came for a visit. Little Eric had a temperature, so we will have to visit with him next time!

 Uncle Tim, Aunt Kay, Aunt Brenda, Uncle Terry, Grandma and Grandpa Acree also came for a visit too!

On Saturday night, Aaron and I headed out to a movie. It was nice little break from our cute little babies! We will make another adventure in four weeks for Aaron's birthday!

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