Friday, February 3, 2012

ONE Month Old

Sweet girl and sweet pea are one month old! This month has flown by especially since the first two weeks we spent a lot of time traveling between St. John's and Memorial.

Here are their monthly stats:

1. Adalyn weighs 6 lbs. 11 oz. (1%) and is 20 inches long (8%). Amelia is 5 lbs. 13 oz. (1%) and is 19 1/4 (1%). The doctor is pleased with their growth and they continue to grow on their own curve.

2. Both girls are wearing newborn diapers and newborn clothes. Preemie clothes are too short in the arms and legs.

3. They are making sweet baby noises and crying. Sometimes it seems as if they are "talking" to each other. They also can follow our hands with their eyes and are starting to get a lot stronger with their grips and head control.

4. Favorite toy: Wubbanubs! Adalyn has the giraffe and Amelia has a monkey.

5. Both girls are taking around 3 to 4 oz. of milk at each feeding (every 3 hours).

6. We are starting to work on moving feedings to every four hours, but Adalyn doesn't always agree with this decision.

7. They are getting quite the collection of pink and bows! I like to dress them up in a hair bow at least every other day for picture purposes.

8. The girls love to swing and fall asleep on Mommy and Daddy. Jayden still hasn't taken a liking to his sisters except letting us know when "she's crying".

9. They are sleeping pretty much all hours of their life except at feeding time. During they day or evening when they are awake, they swing, have tummy time or just look around. Their awake time is starting to increase as they grow and will continue. The girls are still sleeping in their own beds upstairs and we will make the move to their cribs downstairs later this month.

10. We are so happy our family of five is finally together living under one roof. We love watching the girls grow as the days pass. They are going to be a joy to watch as they grow and start to look more like each other!


We love you Adalyn and Amelia!!

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