Tuesday, June 5, 2012

5 Months Old

The twins are 5 months old!! WOW!! They are getting cuter by the day and starting to look more and more alike too!!

1. My best guess on weight would be 12 and 13 pounds....we will check tomorrow!
2. The girls are still wearing size 3 month clothes and have moved to size 2 diapers! They still are wearing 1's as I find them here and there, but we are done opening size 1.
3. They are really wanting to sit up, but they have not got the hang of it. We finally got a double jogger so I hope to take them on some walks soon so they can look around at the world around them.
4. Wubbanubs---love them! Most people don't like when babies have binkis, but in this case I don't really mind. I think that getting rid of them will be easy when it is time. we will be able to cut off the binki and they will still have the animal.
5. Both girls are still eating 4 oz. at a feeding. I generally can get them to take 5 or 6 oz at 10, but Aaron didn't have the same luck when I was out of town. We will see if they are ready to eliminate this feeding or if they just missed their momma.
6. Premixed formula in the fridge is still the favorite around here. The twins still nurse when they have the opportunity, but mostly formula is now used.
7. They are still sharing a bed upstairs and they look so cute snuggling next to each other!
8. Bedtime routine is perfect! Now if we can only get them to sleep through the night....
9. This summer means a lot of walks, tummy time, and a day time routine established! Can't wait!!
10. Our little babies bring so much joy to everyone! They sure are attention getters in public. I love watching them grow and change. We are very blessed!

1 comment:

Susan (Nana) said...

Time is really flying by,enjoy the girls at each stage, you can never get it back!