Friday, August 3, 2012

7 Months Old

Sweet girl and sweet pea are seven months old!!

1. We think they weigh around 14 and 15 pounds. I will check tomorrow! Adalyn is still a bit bigger than Amelia, but Amelia now has a lot more hair than her sister!
2. The girls are wearing size 6 month clothes, but can still fit into 3 month outfits. Diapers are still size 2.
3. People still ask if one of them is a boy despite their pink wardrobe and hair bows. Oh, well!
4. These two are still binki babies, but also sleep with little lovies at night. They have helped with the annoying middle of the night wake up calls.
5.No more middle of the night feeding! The babies eat between 4-6 oz. and go between 3 and 4 hours at each feeding.
6. The girls love their milk and veggies! They eat veggies a lot better than fruit. The top favorites are squash, peas, and green beans!
7. Their room upstairs is complete and I love it! They are doing great in their room!!
8. Bedtime routine is back to being awesome!! The girls take a bath, eat a bottle and then off to bed. It is a rare occasion to go into their room after they have been put down for the night. They can find their own binkis at night and are pretty good sleepers. I would like them to wake up at 6 am rather than 5, but we are getting closer!
9. Naps are great too. I can't complain. I hope they are this good when they start the sitter next week!
10. We are so lucky to have these two babies in our family. They are such good little girls and generally are so happy! I have loved my time at home with them this summer. Each month just brings more fun with these two. Looking forward to watching them grow and change!

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