Sunday, February 21, 2010

Jayden is 7 months old!

Baby Jayden is 7 months old today. He has changed so much since last month in so many different ways. Here he is this morning after waking up from his early morning nap 5:30-6:30.

1. On our scale at home, Jayden is weighing in at over 17 lbs. When I measured him, I found that he is 27" long. The baby car seat is getting too small for Mr. Jayden. It is time to invest in a new seat!

2. He is wearing size 9 month clothes and pajamas. He is now ready to move into 12 month clothing. He needs the length for the pajamas. His feet are pushing at the edges. Diapers are still a size 3. Shoe size 4.

3. Rolling over is a success! He can roll over when he wants to. He is not a crazy baby that rolls all over the house. He would rather push himself backwards to go anywhere. Crawling is in the near future. We are going to have to baby proof soon!

4. Sitting up is a lot easier now as well. He can sit for long periods of time without falling over. We are still very careful with him while he is sitting. His little car gets a lot more use too. He can go up and down the kitchen without even thinking twice. He can drive all the way from the kitchen to the dining room and all the way around the table and back without any problems.

5. Bottles have become much easier for Jayden to take. He is now up to drinking 6 oz in one sitting. He is liking formula a lot more and is only getting nursed once a day--well, sometimes twice.

6.Bananas, peas, green beans, mixed cereal, apples and cinnamon rice cereal are among the top favorites when it is time to eat.

7. No, he still doesn't have any teeth. They are coming, we just don't know when.

8. His hair is really growing. I spike it each time we have a bath. It is not the best looking on him, but it is really funny. His nails are growing like crazy too. Today he scratched his face pretty bad. That is why the top picture is one from early this morning instead of tonight.

9. He sleeps in his own bed, every night, all night. There are times when he does wake around 4 and cries for a few minutes. Most night he sleeps straight through. He wakes around 5:30 in the morning and watches two of his favorite shows: Handy Manny and Mickey Mouse Clubhouse.

10. Dancing, laughing, spitting, and saying mama are his other milestone for the month. His favorite song is the alphabet and he loves to read books. Counting to 5 really makes him smile. We are currently working on waving bye-bye. Hopefully, he will master that soon.

11. He is such a happy baby and gets complimented everywhere we go with his attentiveness, happiness, and cuteness. We are so blessed to have him in our lives.

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