Friday, July 23, 2010

Happy 1st Birthday, Jayden

Dear Jayden,

Happy 1st Birthday!! I cannot believe that it has been one year since you were born. It seems like yesterday we were on our way to the hospital just waiting and now we are getting ready to celebrate your first year of life. Isn't that crazy? This has truly been the best year of our lives watching you grow and change and show us what love really is. I've had a lot of sleepless night and maybe Daddy too, shed a lot of tears (because I was tired), smiled even more, but most of all grown into a better person all because of you. You have gone from a helpless little (big) baby boy to a big boy who wants to play with trucks, clear out the cabinets, climb the stairs, throw food on the ground, drink out of a big boy cup, and give Mommy kisses. You have been my best sidekick this last year, going where I go because you don't have a choice, but also because you are a Momma's boy. Just recently you started talking back when I talk to you and I love to listen to you talk. We have taken you several places this year, but my favorite was our first family vacation. Nothing was much better than sitting on the beach watching you play with no cell phones, computers, or anything to take us away from the moment. You loved the sand, the ocean, but mostly having your Mommy and Daddy with you all day and night for five days straight. You have made new friends this year, both young and old. You have touched the lives of so many people, both those you know and those you do not and I hope that stays with you forever. The old ladies and old men at the stores love you and make our grocery trips extra long. You look at everyone with your big brown eyes and little smile and they fall in love and have to talk to you. I don't blame them one bit because you are the cutest little man I have ever met and how can you resist big brown eyes and a beautiful smile? This is also part of the reason why the camera is in your face all of the time. There is something special about the way you light up when someone you know walks in the door or even more importantly when we walk in the door from work. Your excitement is contagious. I have loved spending my summer with you playing, napping, singing, dancing, and teaching you so many new things. You quit drinking a bottle last week, but because your my baby I gave you a bottle before bed last night. It was so sweet to just sit and rock you in peace and quiet. No tv. Just us. Just one more time. There is something special about giving a baby a bottle that is calming to the soul. (Now I understand, Mom). We are looking forward to all the years to come and all the memories we are going to make with you! Happy 1st Birthday, Jayden. We love you!

Love Always, Mommy

Here are Jayden's 1 year milestones:

1. The scale at home still says Jayden is weighing in at 20 lbs. He is doing a lot of crawling so it doesn't surprise me that he hasn't gained any weight. He is measuring out to be 29 inches long. We will go to the doctor on July 28th for his 1 year check-up.
2.He is still wearing size 12 to 18 month clothing and size 4 diapers. He likes to help get dressed. When I change his diaper, I sing "The Wheels on the Bus" and he likes to sing along too.
3.Jayden has become very brave. He has stood by himself several times, he is just not ready for his first step. It is coming soon!
4. He still loves all of his toys. He has been caught climbing into his toy box on occasion. Aaron has also been able to spend some more time with him, so he is really loving that!
5. Jayden gave up his bottle last week. He drinks from a sippy cup and doesn't mind it one bit. He did recently ask for a bottle.
6.He loves food so there is nothing new about that! He now eats a little snack before bed while he drinks his milk.
7. He has 4 teeth and now he likes to grind them together!
8. He still loves to swim and jump in on 3. He loves to swing and go down the slide.
9. Sleeping has become better. Instead of waking up every few hours, he cries around 4 or 5 am. We let him cry it out and he sleeps until 8 or so. His little body and brain need that much sleep!
10. Jayden is a talker! He generally talks the most when we are driving in the van. I ask him questions, he answers. The most sense he has made out of his words were "baba,mama". He likes when I sing him "Apples and Bananas" and says "guh" when I say eat. He mastered holding up #1 when we ask him how old he will be. Sometimes he gets a little shy and won't show #1.

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