Thursday, December 30, 2010

17 months and 2 weeks old!

When your 17 months & 2 weeks old and your Mom and Dad are home on winter break there is a lot going on. Sometimes you just get mad and scream. Good thing I got an e-mail from Baby Center today telling me about these "screaming fits" Jayden currently is having.

"Screaming is one of the less pleasant habits your toddler might develop. As with everything else in his life, he's constantly experimenting, and his voice is an instrument that can do all kinds of neat things. What's more, shrieking gets immediate attention."

This is exactly what we have seen this month especially today when he went for his third haircut.

Here is what I came downstairs to this morning. Daddy Daycare let me sleep an extra 15 minutes while they started breakfast. Jayden sits at his new table from Nana for breakfast each day and eats like a big boy.
This is what Daddy Daycare looked like yesterday evening. Jayden has his new TV up on the wall with a Mickey DVD, slide in the room and a million and one toys to play with. Life is good when your 17 months old and you are spoiled.

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