Saturday, February 5, 2011

Oh, SNOW!!!!

It is snowing again! I honestly have never seen this much snow in my entire life. I feel like it has snowed almost every week since the start of 2011 and I don't see it stopping anytime soon. Come on, spring. Get here!!!
 So when it snows, we always explore outside, even if it is just for a minute or two.
 He won't wear his snow boots or wear gloves.
 But he will run up and down the sidewalk until it is time to track back in the house.
 Sometimes he gets going too fast and starts to fall but luckily catches himself before crashing into the white powder below.
 Then it is back into jammies after eating a warm lunch and snuggling with his blankets until it is time to play again.

 Somebody woke up pretty happy this afternoon. He must of had thought of playing in the snow again. Then it was time to get dressed again but someone decided it would be funny to escape from his Momma.

But, I am faster than him and now he is all ready to play. Good thing because his Daddy is on the way home from work and they have a lot of catching up to do!

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