Tuesday, February 1, 2011

We're having an ICE day....are you??

Today Jayden I was lucky. Our school got called off for the first time of the year because of the ice and massive amount of snow that is headed our way, so we are having an "ice day" together. I am pretty sure I would have been staying home anyways because the little man is getting more teeth and he isn't handling them very well.
When your getting new teeth, there isn't much that can make you feel better. But what does make you better? Sleeping in Mommy's spot. It also really helps when you Mommy lets you watch Mickey Mouse Clubhouse even if your really not supposed to watch it more than once in a day.
 But when the weather outside looks like it does right now. You might as well watch Mickey Mouse because tomorrow there may not be any power to watch your one episode of Mickey.
 The ice is getting thicker and reports of snow are reporting over 12" up to 21" in some areas. It looks like we will be snowed in for a few days or maybe, just maybe, the weather man is wrong and we will be welcoming spring sooner than expected.
Either way, we are home safe. Aaron got called off work and is doing what he does best. Looks like school will be out tomorrow for me as well, so we will enjoy our time at home building blocks, watching Mickey, taking pictures, reading books, and taking warm baths in hope that J starts to feel better from the "extra days off snuggles" he gets from his Momma and Daddy. Hope everyone is having a happy, safe ICE day.

 Well, the ice is coming down and coming down fast. These pictures are only 10 minutes apart and this was before it really started coming down!

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