Monday, December 26, 2011

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas to our friends and family both near and far! I can't believe that Christmas has already passed by so quickly. It crept up on me so fast and then was over in an instant. This year we stayed in Central Illinois due to my inability to travel and being so close to welcoming the twins into the world. It was nice to be home in our own beds and visit with family here, but at the same time we really missed the Christmas traditions in Southern Illinois.
Aaron's family came up for a quick visit and Christmas celebration. We were all spoiled as usual and Jayden got a brand new 4-wheeler to ride this spring along with some other cool gifts.
He also got a new train table from Poppy along with another train and race track before they left for Canada to visit with Steve, Suzy, Lia, and Alex. Jayden loves choo choos!!
I guess Santa thought Jayden was a good boy this year because he made the stop at our house! Jayden got a new hoop that goes to 6 ft. It is a lot bigger than his last one and he loves it. He still has the shooters touch. He got a lot of other little goodies too.

After the gifts were unwrapped we headed upstairs for some yummy cinnamon rolls. I had planned to make a new Christmas breakfast for the boys in our new oven, but I didn't have the energy. Maybe we can try it next year because from what Pinterest says it is super easy and it looks super yummy! I also of course wanted to try out my new kitchen and appliances, but I guess cookies for Santa is a start. A huge thank you to Aaron for accomplishing this task before Christmas! What an awesome gift!
Now it is time to enjoy the rest of our week at home. I think my greatest gift of all is spending the entire week at home with no agenda, no rush to get anywhere, and just hanging out with the boys before the babies arrive. Jayden is loving having both his Mom and Dad home for an entire week all by himself. 

Merry Christmas!!

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