Sunday, May 23, 2010

Jayden is 10 months old!!

Jayden is 10 months old today. He really has changed a lot in the last month and still surprises us everyday. We are so lucky to have such a good little boy!

1. I am not exactly sure how much he weighs right now, but he goes to the doctor this Friday, so I will know then. I am thinking he is 20 lbs and is 28 inches long.
2. He is wearing size 12 to 18 months clothing and still wearing a size 4 diaper. He is now helping put his arms inside his clothes and assisting with taking them off. He started doing this last month, but he is much better at it now. He likes to wiggle and squirm when he gets his diaper changed!
3. He is crawling and pulling up on everything! He loves to open cabinets and clear them out. He hasn't taken any steps on his own, but will walk fine when someone is holding his hands.
4. He loves his toys and can managed to play with different toys after being finished with one. He knows exactly how to put the eggs where they go on his farm as well as "shoot" baskets on his basketball hoop. He loves to play with his shapes and try to put them in his airplane. We now have Madeline's old swing set so he loves to swing and go down the slide. He has spent some time with his little friends Henry and Layne as well. Jayden steals toys from them right now, but soon both of them will be fighting back!
5. He still loves his bottles and is finally starting to hold them on his own. He loves to throw them too! He has been drinking from a little cup with a straw. He hasn't nursed in 2 weeks, so we are finished with that. Today he had 2 oz of whole milk with 2 oz of formula and no problems. I will continue to give him 2 oz of whole milk once a day this month.
6. He is doing much better with food. He loves mac n' cheese! We have allowed him to eat some nibbles of bread, crackers, baby puffs, and a few other foods. He has tried real food but isn't ready for it yet. We will continue to try and when he is ready, he will eat!
7. He officially has 2 teeth! We are waiting for more, but find it funny to see him with little white specks in his mouth. He likes to bite and those little teeth are sharp!
8. He still loves the bath and soon he will have his first pool adventure as we will be taking baby and mommy swim class at the park pool. Hopefully, he will be a water baby!
9. He continues to sleep in his own bed. He had been sleeping all night until 7 am for the past few weeks, but last week (starting Sunday night) he decided we needed a 3 am wake up call everyday last week (all the way until Saturday). He was then up at 5! Aaron and Jayden spend some quality 5 am time as I took the 3 am duty! Last night was the first night he slept until 6 am. Hopefully, I can get him on an 8 to 8 pattern. He really needs to be sleeping for 12 hours per night.
10. Jayden is still babbling a lot! He is really starting to understand that Aaron is dada and I am mama. He loves to laugh, smile, snuggle, and entertain the crowd. He is also starting to get attached to both of us. I hope he doesn't have a hard time when I go back to school in August after spending all summer with me. Only 5 more days of school left!!
To see Jayden's 9 months pictures go to:
-Click photo galleries
-Click your proofs
-Click Jayden's 4th Session

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