Friday, June 18, 2010

Happy Early Father's Day

We celebrated Father's Day a bit early this year. Aaron had a very long week at work and had plans to go golfing with his friends on Saturday morning. Since most of his gifts were related to golf, we had everything ready to go when he got home from work rather than making him wait a few more days. A few weeks ago, I decided that we would have a scavenger hunt for him in the house. I painted Jayden's hands and feet and the creativity came naturally! (Thanks, Mom for that gift!) We started outside with a little note...led him into the kitchen for a special gift and then to the front room for a new hat!

He then followed Jayden's footprints to the dining room to find--new golf shorts, golf shirts, and red, white, and blue shorts just like Jayden's!
He found some picture frames in the living room to take to his office at work along with a new toy truck so he could play with Jayden. Finally, he found his last gift under the couch. A new putter!!

Hopefully all of his new gear will bring him good luck out on the course tomorrow! Happy Early Father's Day, Aaron!!

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