Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Jayden is 11 months old!!

Jayden is 11 months old today! He is happy as can be and 100% boy!!! Here are his monthly milestones:
1. The scale at home tells me that Jayden weighs in at 20 lbs. He is growing like a weed!
2. He is wearing size 12 to 18 month clothing and wearing size 4 diapers. He is very compatible when it comes to getting dressed but when it comes to changing his diaper he is a wild man.
3. He is a super fast crawler and loves to try and climb the stairs any chance he can get! We have a gate at the top but not at the bottom. He has stood by himself twice, just hasn't taken the first step yet.
4. He loves all of his toys and he will sit and play for an extended amount of time. I love to watch the curiosity on his face!
5. Jayden loves his bottle and now drinks 6 oz at each sitting and sometimes even 8 oz before bed. He drinks water out of his cup throughout the day.
6. He now enjoys real food--cheerios, bread, bites of cheeseburger, mashed potatoes (especially from KFC), baby puffs, and a few other foods.
7. His two bottom teeth are continuing to poke through and now he is starting to get two on the top. Maybe by his first birthday they will be all the way through. He seems to be slow at teething.
8. He loves to swim!!! I figured he would considering I spent my whole life at a pool and Aaron spent his on a boat.
9. He is sleeping in his own bed in his bedroom just as always. It has taken about five weeks to get him back on schedule to sleeping through the night and not waking up each night crying. These 5 weeks have been very long with wake up calls around 12, 3, & 5 am. Hopefully, he will continue to sleep all night with our travels this weekend. I am not sure I can survive if he gets off schedule and back to waking up 3 to 4 times per night. Schedule = survival!!
10. Jayden is really talking a lot now. He really isn't speaking words besides mama, dada, and baba. He may have said papa, but I haven't heard him say it again. We have started singing Happy Birthday to him and working on holding up 1. I can't believe he is going to be 1 next month!

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