Thursday, July 21, 2011

Birthday Week: Day #4

It was hot today, but not as hot as yesterday. CNN reported that the heat index in Taylorville was 121 on Wednesday. So, what do you do on the hottest birthday week ever? Eat ice cream, dance to your favorite shows, and swim!
 We enjoyed a scoop of ice cream from Del's Popcorn Shop today. The ladies there wished Jayden a "Happy Birthday" and he blew them a kiss bye. We ended up taking the ice cream home because he was making too big of a mess. It was good and as you can see we ate *every* *single* bite!
He also got his first-ever 2 year old birthday card in the mail from his Nana and PawPaw. Looks like he will get to eat some fries sooner than expected because he got a McDonald's gift card too.
 He danced around to Dance-A-Lot-Robot several times and built some towers.
 The best part of our day was swimming by far though!!
 Once it started to cool down at 8:00 pm, we went swimming at Lilly's pool! Lilly, Adan, Reagan, Livia, Grandma, Jayden and I all splashed around. Lilly's Mom, Dad, and brother Travis were swimming too. Then Aunt Lori, Jake, and his friend stopped by for a quick swim.
 Jayden was super brave and had so much fun jumping in the pool!

Then we found some floaties, a life vest, and a tube and fixed him up to swim like the big kids. What a super fun birthday week party!! 
His plans for tomorrow? Play with Reagan, Adan, and Livia all day!!

1 comment:

lisa nieves said...

Aunt Reagan was front and center and her name did not make it on the blog!!!We all had so much fun!