Wednesday, July 6, 2011

First Dr. Appt

On Tuesday, June 28th, I went for my first prenatal doctor appointment. Lucky for me, I got in a few days earlier than scheduled and Aaron was able to come with me. Thank goodness he was there because for some odd reason, I was a nervous wreck before we got called back. He is calm. I am not. It equals things out.

The conversation of the day went something like this:

Karen (the Sonographer): Hi Jodi, how are you?
Me: Great. You know what you are looking for today? Twins, right? (kinda joking, but not really)
Karen: Of course, Jodi. I know your family history. We always look for twins in your family!
Me: Ok, just checking.
Karen: There it is! The little baby, just one! Let's get a heartbeat...164. Hear it? (she continues to check around)
Aaron: I see it!
Jodi: Oh, thank goodness!! I have been praying for ONE happy, healthy baby!
Karen: (silence...which seemed like forever with a mouth dropped open)
Jodi: Is something wrong??
Karen: Um, honey,........there are TWO in there! You've got TWINS!!
Jodi: Shut the .... up.
Aaron: I see them both, Jodi. Right there. (Note: As calm as can be.)
Jodi: Shut up. I am so sorry for saying a bad word but I have no other words to say right now.
Karen: Oh, honey this is great! I have had people say A LOT worse to me. Don't worry. (she chuckles)
Jodi: Shut up.
Karen: There they are: Baby A and Baby B. Baby B was hiding way up there. Both with heartbeats of 164.
Jodi: Shut up.
Jodi: Aaron give me my phone right now. Dial my Mom.
Mom: Hello?
Jodi: Are you sitting down?
Mom: Ahhhhh! It is twins!!

The rest of the conversation, I really don't remember too much of it, but you get the point. We went from thinking it was two due to me not feeling so well (or a really bratty girl that was causing my extra attitude), settled on one when we saw the heartbeat, and then got surprised by the fact that there are TWO babies on the way, set to arrive early February (if I can make it that long)!

Karen was great. She didn't take my "shut ups" in the wrong way which in my world mean "no way".
We told some people in our family and a few friends right away. Some laughed. Some cried. Some just said "wow, that's crazy." We have adjusted to how our lives are going to change and are starting to save our money and buy diapers for three kids (thank goodness for Amazon Mom). I have enlisted in my great friends and family to borrow as much baby stuff as I can get my hands on. We have everything of Jayden's, but now we just need some doubles of the items that saved us with him!

Now, I have two quotes to live by:

"It may be a crazy life, but it is our life."
I think crazy is what the next five years, ok, twenty five years, of my life is going to be filled with, but I am sure I wouldn't want it any other way. I may have my days though and that is when the kids will be packing their bags and going to stay with their grandparents!

"If you want to hear God's laughter, tell him the plans you have for yourself."
I am a planner. I like plans. Actually, I love them and I get anxious when they don't work out. Twins were not in my immediate plans. Actually, one baby born late March was more of the exact plans. Things happened quicker this time around than I ever thought and that is perfectly ok. Now we are blessed to carry on the tradition of twins. Instead of our hearts doubling with love, they are going to triple. Not many people get to say they have had three hearts beating inside them at one time, but I do. My Mom did, my cousin, and so did my Grandma. What a neat picture we are going to have in the future!

Making their first appearance on the blog: Baby A and Baby B

You can kind of see a baby like figure in Baby A's picture. Baby B still looks a little funny. We head back to the doctor on July 25th for another sonogram to make sure that both babies are happy and healthy. I was hoping not to make the announcement of twins to the world until then, but big news in a small town travels faster than you will ever know! On a positive note, it only means more prayers for happy, healthy babies and a smooth pregnancy for me are headed our way and that is the most important aspect right now.

Now that you have seen them and know the story as well as the heartbeats of both babies.....what is your prediction? Two boys? Two girls? One of each?


Susan said...

Well that is a story to tell over and over again. You know we couldn't be happier. Don't care about sexes, just want healthy babies. I know you, you will be the BEST little pregnant Mommy!!! Get plenty of rest, TTYL Susan (Nana of three!) :-)

Aarika May said...

Awe!!! Congratulations Acree's! I am going to go ahead and guess 2 girls... just because I think you need a little girl or two! :)
Mr. Jayden is going to have his little hands full either way and will be the best helper I am sure.
Stay cool and healthy and just relax. All will be wonderful.