Saturday, July 23, 2011

Happy 2nd Birthday, Jayden!!

Our sweet little boy is TWO today! The past two years of our lives have flashed by so fast and have been filled with great memories of a sweet little boy who loves his Mommy and Daddy.

Dear Jayden-

Happy Birthday little man!!! You are TWO today although you think you are still one. You can tell us what the number two is when we show you and you get really excited to see a 2. The past year of your life went faster than I ever thought especially with all of the ear infections and other sicknesses we had to overcome. You were a sick little boy! This year you had your first ever surgery and made it through like a champ! When we got home you played basketball and acted like nothing had ever happen. Speaking of basketball, you are quite the little baller. I am hoping your hours of practice pays off in YMCA basketball and all the way to high school. We will still cheer you on and talk about how you are the best even if you aren't because that is what parents do. But I know your going to be awesome, so let's not worry about that right now.

You also found your love for the outdoors this year and shed a lot of tears when I make you come in from going down the slide or swinging on the swing. Almost every time you see a slide, you feel the need to slide down it. If we don't let you, you cry. That is the same for basketball hoops. Sometimes we hide your eyes from basketball hoops because you want to "shoot it" so bad. I hope your love for playing outside lasts forever. That is just like your Dad. Acree boys are just simply made for the outdoors.

We traveled a lot of different places this year and attended some weddings of our good friends. You found your love for dancing and danced the night away on several occasions. It was pretty cute. Keep those dance moves with you. You will need them in college, trust me. We also went to Santa Claus, IN this summer and acted like such a big boy. You went down the water slides all by yourself and didn't want to stop. You and I have been to Knight's Action Park quite a few times this summer too. You love to go down the slide and you have even went under water a few times, but your a natural. Your Dad is sure that your going to be on a wakeboard before we know it. We will see about that!

This coming year is also going to be a very special year for you. You get to be a big brother two times over! Although you don't understand what that means right now, I think you are going to be perfect. You are a leader, a helper, and I have a feeling you are going to conspire with your siblings because you are so creative. Both your Dad and I are the oldest and we think being the oldest has the most advantages, but don't tell the babies that. You got to spend two whole years alone with just us with all the attention on you! None of your other siblings are ever going to be able to say that!

Your vocabulary has grown by leaps and bounds this year. Each month I get more and more impressed with the words you will say or repeat after me. You make simple requests when you want something and other times you whine. I don't blame you. I whine too. You love your milk in the morning and chug it like you have been thirsty all night long. You finally started sleeping through the night after your tubes. Thank you!! Some children your age are getting moved to a big boy bed, but I don't think you are ready yet. You would escape too easily from a big kid bed and I am not ready for that.  Something else I am not ready for....going back to work. I have loved staying home with you this summer. We both sleep past 8:00 am every morning. It is awesome! We spend the day talking, reading, playing toys, napping, eating, running, shooting hoops, playing with friends, and doing everything and anything we want. It is awesome! You also are obsessed with Mickey Mouse and could seriously watch it all day if someone let you. I think Mickey has taught you a few things because sometimes I don't know where you learned what you know. You are such a smart boy!

We are so blessed to have you in our lives. You have shown us what true love is and that is amazing. Your family, all of them, love you to pieces and they always will, no matter what. You are such a lucky guy to have so many people thinking about you, talking about you, and cheering you on!

Happy 2nd Birthday, Jayden!! We love you and looking forward to how you are going to grow and change in the coming year.

Mommy and Daddy

Jayden's 2 year old stats:
1. Official weight and height will be determined on Monday at his check-up, but I believe he weighs 25 lbs., and is maybe 33 inches long.
2. He is wearing a size 4 diaper and can let us know when it needs to be changed (in his opinion).24 month clothing and now I am starting to get 2t for the fall. He loves his crocs, size 6-7, and we will have to get a size bigger for winter I am sure!
4. He loves playing with toys and you can tell he is an only child. He can sit and play by himself for such a long time. He is back into playing with block, specifically Duplo Lego's, and loved to build tall towers. He loves his swing and will stand under it and jump when he wants to swing.
5. Jay is eating a lot better too. Unfortunately, he knows that McDonald's gives him fries and when we drive by he shouts "fries, fries, fies". He likes to sit at the table like a big boy and eat dinner with us as long as he isn't busy doing something else. I wish I had the energy to make him sit down to eat with us every night, but that is one promise I do have for our family. To eat dinner together, at the table, as much as possible.
6. Still loves milk and juice. I cut down the time his milk is heated in hopes to get him to start to like it cold. He also takes a few sips out of a real cup. He tried sweet tea the other night and loved it. We will have to keep that out of his hands!
7. Oh, those teeth. No more yet. We are waiting.
8. He still is obsessed with his crocs and wears them all over the place. We bought him another pair for his birthday so he could have some camo ones. I don't even think he has any camo to wear with them until fall comes. Oh, well. I think Daddy wanted them more.
9. We love sleeping in!!! Jayden loves his sleep and so do I! He sleeps from 9 to 8. Love it! When he wakes up he is so happy and waits a while before yelling to have someone get him. I have been so lucky that he hasn't climbed out of his crib yet, I am still waiting for that day! Naps are generally 3 hours long.
10. We all already know how much Jayden has grown and changed in the past two years. What a little blessing he is to all of us!

Happy Birthday, Jayden!!

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