Tuesday, July 3, 2012

6 Months Old

Our sweet twincesses are SIX months old today!! We are half way to their first birthday--can you believe it??

1. Adalyn weighs 13.3 lbs. and Amelia is only a pound behind at 12.3! Adalyn is 26" long and Amelia is catching up and is 25.5".
2. The babies are still wearing size 3 month clothes and 3-6 month pajamas. I recently started to put them in some 6 month clothes, but they are still a little too big....ok a lot too big. They will be wearing a lot of 6 month clothes within the next few weeks because their closet is full of them! Last year on super sale, I bought a lot of 6 months outfits for cheap so they will be worn. The twins are wearing size 2 diapers, which are a little big, but better than being too tight!
3.They love their pink jogger. People still think they are boys even though they are riding in a pink stroller! We can fit through the doors at the mall, so life is good!
4.The girls still love their Wubbies. I am going to start giving them a blanket soon in hopes to transition away from the little Wubbies. I don't love that I have to wake up in the night when they fall out of their mouths. That isn't fun!
5.  Bottle feedings are still about the same. They take between 4-5 oz. six times a day. Amelia can cash 6 oz of cereal bottle in the middle of the night, but doctor said it is time to stop this feeding. Adalyn will eat around 4 oz in the night.
6.They officially are straight formula takers with exception to what is left in the freezer. We will start veggies and fruit this month too. They already enjoyed green beans and bananas last night!
7. Two beds on opposite sides of the room! They did fantastic with the transition of moving to their own crib. Now if I could only find some time to paint their upstairs room. The plan is in my head. The time isn't in my schedule.
8. Bedtime routine isn't as awesome as it used to be. They are getting ready to break their swaddle habit, which is fine with me. We have moved their bedtime to 8:30 and they seem to enjoy this better. We will work on sleeping through the night this week and next. Some disagree with the "cry it out" method, but we are giving it a shot.
9. I am still working on a solid nap schedule for the babies. I have noticed that they can only make it 1:30 mins after they wake up in the morning and then they need an hour nap. After than they can make it 2:30 and then are ready for a nap. This is working out nicely.
10. Today Aaron and I were playing with the girls and he told me I always get what I want and this time I got double. He is exactly right. I can't imagine what it would be like to have just one of them. They are just perfect. Jayden is really starting to show love to "his babies". Things are pretty perfect at our house and I wouldn't have it any other way.

Happy 1/2 Birthday Sweet Girl and Sweet Pea!!! We love you!!!

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