Wednesday, March 23, 2011

20 Months and Growing

Our little man is only four months away from turning T-W-O! This month we left him for four days on a mini-vacation to Denver. He was happy to see us home--said Mum Dad and then ran away to play. I am pretty certain that us both leaving at the same time won't happen again for a long time. He didn't sleep well last night and wanted me to rock him. Every once in a while he would open his eyes, look at me, and smile. 

1. Official weight on the scale this morning showed Jayden weighs 23.5 lbs., which is a little more than last month. He also looks like he has grown. We both thought he grew while we were gone!
2. Size 4 diapers....18 to 24 month clothing....size 6 shoe
3.Climbing has actually slowed down. The stairs are not a challenge and he doesn't have the desire to just climb. It will be neat to see what he does at the park when we can spend the day there.
4. His favorite past time is playing basketball. He loves to shoot, for us to shoot, and to just play. He is actually getting pretty good for a 20 month old! He still loves his blocks. I am sure when he is older he will have a career that deals with building. He is such a good builder!
 5. He is getting to be a better eater. He recently fell back in love with bananas and will eat green beans on occasion. He is a great breakfast and lunch eater. Dinner...not so much.
6. Milk, water, and juice!! He loves all 3.
7. From what I can count, J has 15 teeth. There is still room for a few more. Hopefully, he can stay ear infection free until he gets his tubes on April 15. He wasn't able to come to Denver with us due to his ears. I am thankful we made this decision with the doctor because he would have been in a lot of pain if we decided to bring him with us.
8. What does he dislike? Last month it was riding in the stroller. This month he doesn't like when we are not giving him 100% attention. I don't blame him :)
9. Jayden has been sleeping great until we left him for our trip. The goal this week is to get him back on schedule. He has continued to be a great napper, sleeping 2 to 3 hours a day. His best nap time falls from 1-3. He loves to play with his friends Henry and Layne at the babysitters too. He recently started calling his babysitter Bobbi "Barney". He can say "Play Nree at Barney's" which means "I play with Henry at Bobbi's". We are still working on Layne's name.
10.Jayden keeps getting more vocal each month. We are working on shapes and colors right now. He saw a diamond pattern on the bed today and pointed at it and said diamond. It was pretty funny. I am looking forward to the 9 weeks left in the school year so we can get summer started. J and I are going to have a lot of fun!!

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