Thursday, October 20, 2011

Our Little Patient

Our little patient had a successful surgery today and is on the road to recovery. He had a rough time after he woke from surgery and had to have medicine to calm him down. The strong guy was trying to rip out his IV medicine and screamed at the nurses to "stop it" as they were wrapping it tighter around his arm to stay in place.  I am pretty sure he will have a diet of cold treats for the next week and a lot of love to help him feel better.
 After some pain meds, snuggles from Grandma, and Mickey Mouse he feel asleep for a nice nap.

 Poppy, Grammie, and Maddie brought him a new race track and he was happy to get out of bed, IV still intact, to play. He wanted jammies on, so we had to cut off the sleeve to his shirt so his IV could fit through.
 Nana and PawPaw sent balloons and after he was feeling better, he decided it would be fun to hit them and enjoy a few laughs.
 The nice nurse let him play iPad while he checked his heart and lungs. Smart move.
 Then he relaxed with Daddy and watched the Word Series.
It looks like the little guy will get to come home tomorrow after the doctor checks in to see that he has had enough fluids. I am headed back to work in the morning and I will be waiting for 3:10 to hit the clock so I can head back home and check on the little guy.

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