Tuesday, January 10, 2012

1 Week Old

A week ago tonight, I was in a lot of pain. I tried my hardest not to cry and just let it pass with a back rub as I had done the previous nights.
A week ago tonight, my mom and Aaron convinced me to go to the hospital.
A week ago tonight, I told the nurse she would be sending me home in an hour or so because this was the same pain I was having for the past few days.
A week ago tonight, I was getting admitted to the hospital at 10:38 pm and welcomed our girls into the world at 11:10 and 11:11 pm.
A week ago tonight, our family grew in size and our hearts grew full of more love than we ever thought possible.

Happy One Week Birthday, Adalyn and Amelia! It has been a long week without you home!

Adalyn update: Adalyn, who we expected to be second to come home, is on the road to being on home on Thursday. She passed her 90 minute car seat test today and is eating around 50cc of milk at each feeding. She is in a big girl crib, wearing pink, and maintaining her body temperature. She had visitors today who were finally able to hold her for the first time. Previous to this no one was allowed to hold her except for Aaron and I. The doctors and nurses had orders to not allow others to hold her because it would wear her out and cause her to burn unnecessary calories.

Amelia update: Poor sweet pea is just so little. She is in her own clothes, but still living in her little "house". They are decreasing the temperature as long as she eats well and maintains her temperature after each feeding. She has to eat at least 35cc of milk at each feeding, but Grandma can get her to eat 40. She didn't gain any weight and no talk of her coming home was mentioned today. Holding her is also limited, but today I decided that she needed some love. We will continue to pray that she gains some weight and continues to grow so we can bring her home. I bet she just misses her big sister!

Blogger will not allow me to upload pictures tonight, so I will try again tomorrow!

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