Friday, January 6, 2012

Welcome Adalyn and Amelia

Welcome to the world Adalyn and Amelia!! On January 3, 2012 we welcome our twin baby girls into the world at 11:10 and 11:11 p.m. Adalyn was 5 lbs., 5 oz., and 18 1/2 inches long and Amelia was 4 lbs., 7 oz., and 17 1/2 inches long. They arrived five weeks early and six days earlier than planned. We were very lucky to make it to the hospital just in time for their arrival. Good thing Grandma and Aunt are nurses because otherwise this story may end up a little more crazy!

Daddy, Amelia, Mommy and Adalyn an hour after they were born!
Grandma Nieves with Amelia and Mommy and Adalyn

After snuggling with the girls in my room for a while, we sent them off to the nursery. After they went to the nursery, things took a turn for the worse with each girl. Adalyn and Amelia's early arrival into the world caused a few breathing problems that has prompted their continued care in the NICU at St. John's and Memorial.

This is Amelia in her "big girl crib" after two days of being in a warmer. We are keeping our fingers crossed that she can keep her body temperature up and stay in this crib until she is able to come home.
Today, Amelia was able to take a bottle for the first time. Such a great stride in order for her to improve.
Our little Adalyn really put us to the test and proved to be dramatic. She was moved to the NICU at St. John's for her care. Being the bigger sister, we thought she would be the strong one, but little Amelia proved to be the stronger one. I think we will save that story for another day after she is home in our arms. Today I was able to be discharged from the hospital and hold Adalyn for the first time since after she was born.
Daddy has been spending a lot of time with Adalyn at St. John's while I spent time in the hospital at Memorial visiting with Amelia every moment possible while I was trying to heal.

Get well soon, sweet girls. We love you along with many other people you don't even know!! Everyone is cheering for your recovery.

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