Sunday, January 22, 2012

It's a Twin Thing

There is something that I am never going to really understand.....what it is like to have a twin sister or brother.
 But I have been around enough twins to know a few things....or two.  

What I do know is this:
Sometimes people can't tell them apart in pictures and sometimes in person. Twin can finish the sentence for the "other one" and laugh when people get them mixed up.
Twins grow up to be best friends and buy each other the same gifts without knowing.
Twins fight like all siblings do, but they just can't seem to get away from each other at the end of the day.

It's a good thing we know a lot of twins, because we have a lot to learn about seeing double! Thanks to our twin visitors, Lisa and Kara & Adan and Livia, we had over the weekend!! Now all we need is Ellee and Emlyn and my Mom and Aunt Lori then we can get a really crazy picture!

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