Monday, August 22, 2011

16 Weeks and Moving!

We are officially at the 16 week mark, which means 20 more to go (or 22 at the most)! The babies are growing and moving around every day. I felt little flutters a few weeks back, but now I can really feel them move. They are the most active a few hours after dinner, just when I am getting ready to sit down in the chair for the night or right after I eat my Flinstone vitamin. sent me an e-mail today that reminded me that they are 4.5 inches long and weigh about 3.5 oz. Within the next few weeks they will double in size and so will I! Aaron took a close up tonight, so I look pretty big in this photo. I still can wear my clothes, but the days are numbered. I've enjoyed a few days in maternity pants, but they still are a bit too big.
In 8 more days we will find out what these two little peanuts are if they decide to cooperate!
Look for a post next week of them and their little arms and legs!

In other news, we have been packing up and started to move items to storage. Aaron purchased a John Deere this weekend so he can mow the 5 out of 7.5 acres when we move. Last night he said, "I think you will enjoy the tractor too". Umm, I am guessing NO. Fresh cut grass and I do not get along one bit.

I am pretty sure that it is my turn to make a "big" purchase. New tennis shoes to support my increasing weight and sore back really sound like a good deal right about now. There is something about a new pair of Nike Shocks that really help your back and your feet feel better. My last pair were purchased in 2009 when I was pregnant with Jayden.  

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