Tuesday, September 6, 2011

18 weeks and packing!

We have been packing and hauling stuff to the new house over the weekend and throughout the week. After five large truck and trailer loads, Aaron and I (mostly Aaron but I helped all I could) filled up the storage shed we currently have in Springfield. We only have this weekend and a few days next week to move out of the house. Hopefully, we can accomplish the task and make it out on time. There is still a lot to do, with very little time, especially for two people! I think I have gathered up a few family members to help on Saturday, so that should put a good dent in most of the downstairs items. The last time we were in this position to move we were moving things out of the house at the last minute in the wee hours of the night with only a two minute drive and no child. Now we have a 20 minute drive and a crazy two year old!

 The little man has kept busy too amidst the chaos, playing with what toys he has left. He turned a pop tart box into a hat the other night after he discovered his "house" was gone. "House, house, house" is all he would say when he walked into his room. He is going to be pretty excited in a few months when it comes out of storage.
 With all of the packing and moving, I feel like the babies decided to stretch out and claim their home this week. The more I work, the more they decide to push out. Babycenter.com tells me that they are 5.5 inches long this week and moving around like crazy. I also got some cute little presents from my friends Sarah and Kristy this past week. These were the first presents for the babies so it was pretty exciting to open cute little baby stuff. It slightly put me into a shopping mode for pink. I picked up a few outfits for each baby for under $3 each at Kohl's with the cheapest being $1.20 for a Carter's outfit. Aaron just shook his head and said, "You love this because I can't say no because they have to have clothes and all they make for girls is pink." Yep, Aaron. You are correct. I do love shopping and I do love pink. It really just works out to my advantage. I hope to make it to the twin sale in a few weekends because buying for two is expensive!!  

 While packing, I did discover this old picture. I couldn't tell you the year, but I do remember that dress. Aaron called this picture, "Jayden with bangs". When you see it in person and cover up my awesome bangs, it is totally Jayden. It is funny how he can look like both of us so much depending on the situation. I think the girls will be the same way. It is kind of easy to look like both your mom and dad especially when they both have brown hair, brown eyes, and tan skin.

Our Internet and TV service is ending this week, so I am not sure when I will be back on to blog, but I have started to write a farewell to our "old house" just so I could remember exactly what I love about this house.  

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