Monday, November 28, 2011

30 Weeks and a "To-Do" List

We have made it to 30 weeks and the countdown is on! I am not sure if there will be babies in 6 weeks, 8 weeks or 10. It is going to be a wait and see kind of deal over the next few months. I decided at the 27 week mark to make a to-do list and have it post on the 30 week mark so I can start crossing things off my list and continue to add to it, if needed. My friends and I all posted a "to-do" list this summer and it was great to see things being checked off the list. Another reason for posting, because someone may call me and tell me to add something to the list that I totally never thought about!

So here it goes:

-Purchase a double stroller. We have to have one so I can make it in and out of the doctor's office.  (We were able to find a double snap and go, but eventually I will have to get a real double stroller!)
-Find the extra car seat base--item found!
-Get another car seat for Baby B which is borrowed from a friend
-Baby books or something of that manner for each baby and their footprints
-Find a few more bases at least by the time I go back to work
-Speaking of work, make some general lesson plans for the first few weeks of January, just in case. (first week done)
-Pack a bag for the hospital (started)
-Pack the two girls a bag for the hospital
-Pack Jayden a bag for any overnight adventures he may encounter in the next month or two
-Pack Aaron a bag for the hospital or tell Aaron he must have a bag packed (at least we live closer now)
-Watch Aaron clear the garage so I can park without encountering yucky weather
-Buy a new memory card for the camera
-Find the little bottles, clean them, put them away in the cabinets which are set to arrive December 15
-Get the extra crib matress from my cousin
-Pre-register at the hospital
-Put the second crib together
-Get curtains made and hung in their room (Mom this is your job)
-Put up the pack n' play upstairs so we have two choices to where they are going to sleep
-Stock up on the baby meds (just in case) since we are not close to a Walgreen's
-Get twin sheets for extra bed downstairs
-Spoil the "only child" before his life gets turned upside down for a while (I am pretty sure this is a daily occurance)

OK, so I have a lot more to do than I thought. At least all of their clothes are washed and a bag is packed!

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